

19 Habits That Aren’t Good for Your Health in the Long Run

Good health is a long-term pursuit and you have to work at it every day of your life. Certain things might seem harmless at the moment, but their impact accumulates in the long run. This article looks at 19 habits that can negatively affect your health with time.

12 Simple Habits That Surprisingly Annoy Others

Certain behaviors can inadvertently annoy others in our daily interactions, whether at work, in social settings, or even at home. While some of these actions may seem harmless or even subconscious, they can significantly impact how people perceive us. Identifying and modifying these simple habits can improve our relationships and create a more pleasant environment […]

Young Americans are so obsessed with being rich it’s now distorting their views of their finances — here’s why ‘the norm’ no longer seems ‘normal’

The endless scroll takes its toll.

13 of the Most Affordable Places to Live in the U.S. in 2024

Determining a suitable place to live can be a complex process that involves considering several factors such as cost of living, safety, job opportunities, climate, amenities, and overall quality of life. It can be challenging to find a place that perfectly balances all these factors. However, some areas in the United States are known for their low living and safety costs.

8 rules from doctor to help avoid heart attack

It's better to prevent health problems than to treat them for a long time, especially when it comes to heart health. The best prevention for heart diseases includes a proper diet, regular physical activity, and avoiding harmful habits. Learn about the rules for a healthy lifestyle to prevent a heart attack, reports Express. Don't smoke Doctor Mike ...

Inside a ’70s-Style River Island Home Outside Portland, Oregon

Using the subtlest of palettes, a local design firm helps a family of four bring new life to an almost 45-year-old fixer-upper

I've been a psychologist for over 20 years: Here's how I manage stress

Allison Chase is a practicing psychologist with over 20 years of experience in her profession, but she experiences stress, too. Here's how she manages it.

Thousands of people around the world live ‘off-the-grid’. See how this community does it

Driven by concerns about personal environmental impact, many of us might try to live more sustainably. But some people take it a step further - aiming to become self-sufficient by going ‘off the grid,’ and living communally. First emerging in the 1940s then popularized in the 1960s by the hippy movement, commune living is on the rise. CNN went to one such ‘intentional community’ in Wales, UK, to find out what it’s like.

Gen Zers can't always afford to have fun. Here's how I budget my $80,000 salary to save for a house and still enjoy my 20s.

A 24-year-old data analyst making $80,000 budgets every dollar she spends — but she still wants to enjoy her 20s.

A Diet Low in 6 Key Foods Linked to Higher Risk of Heart Disease, Study Finds

More proof that these nutritious food groups support a balanced lifestyle and a healthy heart.

Easing Anxiety: Natural Ways To Reduce Cortisol Levels

Cortisol is known as the stress hormone and although it plays a key part in our body’s function, high levels of it can have bad effects. Some of the effects include anxiety, decreased libido and muscle weakness, so here are a few ways to correct those levels. The first thing that you need to do is to get sufficient sleep as a rested body and mind will help you deal with stressful situations better. Next, you should exercise regularly as not only is it good for your mind, but it also helps release built-up tension and stress in your body. It is also advised to practice relaxation techniques like meditation or deep breathing exercises which will help lower your heart rate and blood pressure. You should also learn why you’re stressed out and plan out a way of fixing these issues in order to lower your cortisol levels. Lastly, healthy distractions are beneficial as they will help regulate your stress levels, so finding a hobby you can regularly do is helpful.

A millennial couple moved from Arizona to China to teach at an international school. The cost of living is much cheaper, though the language barrier is challenging.

Scott and Marissa Vleeschouwer relocated from Arizona to China to work at an international school, and they enjoy the lower cost of living.

Lolo Spencer On Building Community And Confidence As A Disability Advocate

"I want people with disabilities to know that they can be independent, that they can be self-empowered."

I'm an American who's lived in Paris for years. These 8 things have really surprised me about living in the French capital.

The American writer knew a lot about France before moving there, but she was still stunned by the social security and smoking habits in Paris.

The diet and lifestyle changes I made to lose four stone

Being told, at the age of just 42, that I was diabetic came as a huge shock. I knew I was overweight, and my lifestyle wasn’t exactly ideal, but Sarah, my wife, and I loved good food and had always been very health-conscious with our meals. No one in my family was diabetic. And I was so young. How did it come to this? Looking back, it was hardly su...

One Year Before Retirement: 4 Frugal Habits To Stop Now

Retirement marks a significant transition in life that brings many changes. As you approach this new chapter, it's essential to reassess and adjust your financial habits. While frugality has likely...

8 Ways To Escape Living Paycheck-to-Paycheck — Without Sacrificing Your Lifestyle

When you live paycheck-to-paycheck, you think defensively. You worry about the heavy debts on your back, about how you'll pay for every bill due this month. It leaves little room for long-term...

Gen Z Aren’t the Only Ones Who Don’t Care That Much About Work– How That Affects Everyone’s Overall Paycheck

Gen Z has a reputation for having what you might call a "relaxed" attitude toward work. A Visier survey of 1,000 U.S. employees found that work aspirations ranked fourth in priority for Gen Z...

Scientists Identify Diet That May Keep Women Healthy As They Age

A study looking at the diets of almost 50,000 women has investigated the role that dietary protein plays in aging.

3 in 5 families are short-order cooks for picky kids. Here’s what to do instead

A family sits down to dinner, and the kids are staring daggers at the vegetables on their plate. Do you make them a separate meal? Experts say they have an alternative.

Tennisscore Is the It Spring Fashion Trend—Here’s Where to Shop the Style

Your serve, Zendaya.

20 ways to refresh your style without spending a fortune

From investing in a few versatile, quality pieces to giving your accessories a refresh, use these tips to feel totally confident — and up-to-date — in your aesthetic.

10 Things To Avoid Spending Too Much on in Retirement

Many working Americans look forward to retirement because it finally means a relief from all those years of labor. While more leisure time is good, retirement also often means living on a fixed...

15 Simple Habits Of People Who Keep Their Homes Clean And Organized

If you're the type of person who struggles to tidy consistently, then it might be time to ignore finding cleaning hacks and instead build habits. Here is how.

We moved from a 3-bedroom house in Nashville to a 500-square-foot studio north of Rome. There are downsides, but we love it here.

My husband and I sold our house in Nashville and bought a studio north of Rome that's a fourth of the size. Living here is great with some drawbacks.

These 32 Idyllic Destinations Are Perfect for Your Next Wellness-Inspired Getaway

It's time to book a restorative retreat in your favorite slice of paradise.

20 Items You Can Ditch for a More Minimalist Lifestyle

Minimalism at home is about more than just an Instagram aesthetic featuring ivory walls, bare shelves, and pristine closets. Beyond decluttering, minimalism embraces simplicity and focuses on what truly sparks joy and adds value to everyday life. Try getting started with a good, old-fashioned purge.

This 64-year-old was surprised she ranked 5 in a millionaire’s longevity contest. Here’s her inexpensive routine for a long life

Amy Harrison sees aging with wisdom

'At 9 Months Postpartum, I Committed To The Workout Program Bodi To Overhaul My Health'

"I'm now 42 and have stuck with it for over 10 years."

I used to get through a litre of vodka a night – here’s how I gave up the booze

“At my worst, I was drinking a bottle of vodka every day. I was over 20 stone in weight, my blood pressure was life-threatening, my cholesterol was hitting 8.6 and I was on various medications, including anti-depressants. I look at photos of myself then, bloated and miserable, and I appear ten years older than I do now. I was a ticking time bomb. I...

13 habits that increase risk of Dementia - including daily tasks and popular drinks

Dementia is a common brain condition that affects about 850,000 people in the UK, and the risk of developing it increases with age. However, there are certain habits that can prematurely age the brain, increasing your chances of developing the condition

Frugal Living YouTuber Kate Kaden: 4 Things To Stop Doing in 2024 To Save Money

If you want to live frugally -- that is living modestly, saving money and making conscious financial decisions -- there are certain habits you need to break and certain things you need to stop doing,...

Jaspreet Singh: 15 Habits That Can Make You Wealthy

Have you ever wondered what separates those who achieve great things from everyone else? What habits do successful people practice that help drive them more effectively toward their goals? For...

The 164-year-old Swedish secret to raising happy and resilient kids, says parenting expert and mom

Swedish-American mom and parenting expert Linda Akeson McGurk shares why the 164-year-old Nordic philosophy of "friluftsliv" is the secret to raising happier kids.

13 Polite Habits Hairdressers Actually Dislike—and What to Do Instead

Sometimes trying to do all the right things at the salon can backfire. Here's what to avoid when getting your hair cut or colored. The post 13 Polite Habits Hairdressers Actually Dislike—and What to Do Instead appeared first on Reader's Digest.

I’m Married, Have 4 Kids, and Run a Business From Home. These 12 Weekly Habits Saved My Mental Health

I'm married, a father of four, and a business owner. Here are the things that keep me sane.

11 Rude Hotel Habits You Should Stop ASAP

Avoid these rude habits that bother both hotel employees and other guests.

20 Ways Everyday Living Is Pure Luxury in Europe

Pack your bags and grab your passport. We’re heading overseas to the land of luxuries. But don’t worry, Europe is filled with low-cost everyday items that add richness to even the most mundane everyday tasks. Whether you’re a frequent visitor and looking forward to your first adventure abroad here are 20 simple luxuries you can look forward to enjoying on your next trip.

After years of yo-yo dieting, this realization helped 1 mom lose 100 pounds for good

Yo-yo dieting and menopause weight gain led one mom to prediabetes, high blood pressure, sleep apnea. She lost 100 pounds by walking, counting calories, bariatric surgery.

‘A new breed of commuter’: This North Carolina woman ‘super commutes’ 500 miles to work every other week to save $2K/month — what’s driving this emerging trend

Getting in the air to cut hair.

Dr Sophie Shotter on the ultimate tweakment dos and don'ts

Dr Sophie Shotter on the ultimate tweakment dos and don'ts - The award-winning aesthetics doctor and host of the Age Well podcast on what to absolutely do — and what to avoid

Data Shows Following These 8 Habits May Reduce Your 'Biological Age'

Your so-called biological age can reveal a lot about your longevity. Here's what the term means and what you need to do to slow down time.

Jennifer Lopez Holds Up Her Baggiest Jeans with a Shoelace

Her Paris style streak keeps getting cooler

6 Frugal Habits of the Super Rich and Famous

In order for you to live frugally, you might want to take a page out of the super-rich. Though it may seem counterintuitive, wealthy people often practice a frugal lifestyle as they only spend their...

This Guy Lost 80 Pounds and Gained Discipline Through Yoga

Zach Wolf never thought he'd be in a yoga studio in the first place.

American women are living nearly 6 years longer than men, new study finds. But why?

The life expectancy gap between women and men in the United States expanded to 5.8 years between 2010 and 2021, the biggest difference in decades.

Unsuspecting suburban home has LEED Platinum certification for its remarkable passive living features: 'The model for how we need to live, now and in the future'

"We are not making a lot of compromises to live like this." Unsuspecting suburban home has LEED Platinum certification for its remarkable passive living features: 'The model for how we need to live, now and in the future' first appeared on The Cool Down.

People live longer, happier lives in Blue Zones, and only one is in the U.S.: Here are 5 things they do differently

Blue Zones are home to the longest-lived people and highest life expectancies. Loma Linda residents attribute living long, fulfilled lives to these behaviors.

10 Things That Have Become Luxuries in Modern Life

In an age where convenience and technology reign supreme, certain aspects of life have transformed from mundane to luxurious. Here are fifteen everyday things that now hold a place of privilege in our fast-paced world. Uninterrupted Sleep In our 24/7 society, getting a full night’s sleep without the intrusion of notifications or worries is a […]

‘Living With Leopards’ Review: Noble Beasts on Netflix

This visually rich documentary follows a mother and her cubs across Botswana’s Okavango Delta.